Monday, March 16, 2009

Big brothers and sisters of the world, we need your help!!

Howie is having a problem, and as a youngest sibling myself, I do not know how to help him. We're reaching out to all of you older siblings for some advice. You see, Howie cannot get any time with his favorite toys because the second he starts playing with them, Patrick runs up and takes them away. It doesn't matter if Patrick is playing with his pencil or feather himself (little point in spending money on actual toys these days), he wants whatever Howie has. This is a common problem, I know, with kids of this age. Howie takes it in stride and doesn't get overly frustrated, but I do wish I could curb this behavior a little bit, because Howie deserves some time batting his mice. I even try to box Patrick out, but he's just too nimble!

So I ask you, previously (and even currently) frustrated older siblings, how do you deal?! I just am unable to provide any sort of counsel because I myself was a nettlesome, toy-coveting child. Any help is greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. My experience in dealing with the nettlesome toy-coveting child taught me that there is nothing you can do with the little nettles. The only thing you can do is give some special attention to the victim of the nettlsome toy-coveter. You might try playing some special games with Howie such as Yahtzee or Monopoly. You might also take some time to camp out in the bedroom and be "gross slobs". I think he'll like can eat Red Vines and Bugles while playing Crazy Eights or Go Fish.
