Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tooth Fairy Time!

I took Patrick to the doctor yesterday because he has the sniffles. Rest assured, it's nothing serious. While we were there he got weighed (6.6 pounds!), and he got his teeth checked. He should be expecting a visit from the tooth fairy soon because he's lost his front baby teeth, and his grownup molars are starting to come in! They grow up so fast! Of course if that old fairy visits, she'll have to leave some Greenies for Howie too, otherwise we'll have a serious issue around these parts.

I'm trying to find some sort of window perch for my bedroom. The guys have decided since it's been sunny that they are no longer satisfied with the view from the living room. I'm not sure why because the view is basically the same, but they want what they want. There is no ledge on my bedroom window, so I often find them struggling and dangling from their front toes trying to peak out, their back legs hanging like furry pendulums a few inches above my pillows. Every once in a while I take pity on their pathetic attempts to spy on the birdies and just hold them up for awhile. I can't be doing that all the time though. I have an old bird guide we might have to flip through one of these nights so their curiosity can be rewarded with a little more knowledge about the wildlife of Eugene, OR. We might even get involved with the local audubon society.

Well anyway, just wanted to update you all on Patrick's health and let you know that things are well around here. The guys send their best, as always.

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy..they do grow up fast. Tooth fairy today, orthodontist tomorrow!
    The Audubon is a great idea. The boys will likely make many new friends there. My guess is that there are a lot of cats in that group of fun folks.
