Anyway, we are all doing quite well. I've started the new term, and one of my classes is Law and Governance for education. Can we say perfect set-up for my paralegal conversation with Howie? He likes to help me study already, usually doing so by sitting on top of each page as I try to read it. He does this so that I am required to really absorb and remember the information. Patrick is also of great assistance, as he sits on top of my keyboard so that I am forced to put some serious thought into my papers before I can finish writing them. They really are so thoughtful.
In other news, Patrick seems to have developed restless leg syndrome. He is unable to ever get comfortable, especially in the early morning when I'm trying to sleep. He tries to remedy this by walking back and forth across my back and re-situating himself on my head. Unfortunately, this seems to have led to a deeper problem. Yes, Patrick has developed a condition that we call trichotilimania in the soft sciences. For the layperson, this basically means he likes to ingest hair (or fur, I suppose). While a serious condition on its own, in Patrick's case it appears to be trichotilimania by proxy, if you will. Basically I bear the burden of this as of late, as he generally munches on my hair in the wee hours of the a.m. I'm starting to think his obsession with Twilight was more just a means of covering up his illness and biting Howie's neck was a way to feed his neurosis. I'm not familiar with psychiatry, but I hope there is some sort of medical remedy for this. I do know any such treatment should also be coupled with counseling. I'll have to look into whether or not our insurance covers this, otherwise we may have to seek some new-age treatments. Luckily we live in Eugene--hub of nature's cures.
Well we'll sign off for now, but we'd like to leave you with with a few pictures of our snuggle session tonight. It's not a bad life over here, I'll tell ya what.
As always, the guys send their best!

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